15 January 2007


If this doesn't inspire me to write Science Fiction, nothing will. Courtesy of my brother, who took up mushroom growing. Why couldn't he just stick to microbrewing? (Thanks for the pics, Carl. I'll be having nightmares for... minutes.)

Shitake Mushroom starter with snowmen. I think the plate adds just the right surreal touch, also.

Then there is this. Pearl Oyster Mushroom wannabes. If that doesn't scream SciFi Channel Movie of the Week, nothing does.
So where do you find your story inspirations? (And no, I did not find my last short story plot in a bowl of alphabet soup.)


Gabriele Campbell said...

Lol, they look alien indeed.

I usually find my inspiration in historical sites, museums, and sometimes history books. Though I have no idea where that selkie plotbunny came from.

Oh, here's a name for your funghi world: qesjxjel :)

Constance Brewer said...

Gabriele, this is what happens to plot bunnies if you let them stew in their juices too long...


Carla said...

"this is what happens to plot bunnies if you let them stew in their juices too long"

Yukkk -!

Constance Brewer said...

Sorry, Carla, I couldn't resist. *g*