25 January 2009

Animated Poetry

As far back as high school I was often seduced by the collaboration of word and picture. In another life, I set out to be a book illustrator, before I was hijacked over into the fine arts department in college - where I spent a lot of time marrying up images and words.

Even now when I write poems, some beg to be illustrated, or animated. (No, I'm not delving into another media in order to procrastinate in writing. At least, not yet...) Here are some interesting takes on what can be done when setting poetry to image.

The Country
by Billy Collins

Diving Into the Wreck
Adrienne Rich

Cinderella's Diary
Ron Koertge

The Language
Robert Creeley

Tornado Child
Kwame Dawes



Akeith Walters said...

Very nice these visual concepts of the spoken word.


Constance Brewer said...

Gray - hey, the visuals are a nice touch, but... Garrison Keillor can read one of my poems any day... *g*

Melissa Barrett-Traister said...

I stumbled across your blog,and really like all of your writings.
These animated videos are very captivating.I've never seen the Rich one prior to viewing your page,so thank you.

Constance Brewer said...

Melissa - thanks for stopping by. How'd you find me, BTW?
Isn't it neat what can be done to combine words and images. I love the Rich one. That poem is haunting enough as it is, the little animation just adds to it.

Rob Kistner said...

Greetings – I came by to say hi! …and to invite you to stop by Image & Verse for a visit, or just to say hello.