Last week was devoted to the wildlife I see in our occasional outings to the remote regions of my part of Wyoming. While the eagles are always inspiring, the scenery plays a big part in my fascination with Wyoming.

At times otherworldly, even in the winter it can be beautiful and scary at the same time.

From sweeping vistas

To oddball little details like frozen foam

To the obligatory image for my neck of the woods.

There's wildlife and other things Out There, hiding in the trees

behind red hills

At the foot of the Tower

and between little clumps of dried up grasses

Of course, the military is out there too, checking behind every shrub and pine, scanning the skies for nefarious doings

While missing out on the strange beauty

of a late afternoon

in rural Wyoming

where all roads lead to a far distant horizon.
Glorious. It does indeed have an otherworldly quality.
I'm always grateful when the car starts right up again. Much as I like it, I don't want to spend the night out there! :)
Beautiful photos
Beautiful. Though it looks like there's not much between the north pole and the wind sweeping down from there. :)
Beautiful country!
When you get near Devil's tower,do you get the feeling that the mothership
is coming to pick you up??
It's pretty desolate. And fifty mile an hour winds in the winter are no fun. North Pole indeed
Anonymous -The mothership darn well better pick me up - it's the one that left me here!
Sooo beautiful! I have been trying to get Anon to travel, keep posting pics! (Maybe you know the secret to his reluctance? Did your folks try to leave him somewhere once on a vacation??) He does seem more drawn to Brew Pubs than Devil's Tower though.
Nonny - he was the one always trying to leave me! Especially in Canada. (What's up with that? Frightened by a Molson's as a child?)
We have lots of micro-brews here, including Devil's Tower Lager and Moose Drool. He won't go dry!
Jen - Thanks. :)
Hello, Just bloghopping. Great blog!
Be Well :)
Lisa - Thanks!
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