24 July 2015

Fragment Friday - The Mapping Edition

There's a whole lot of empty going on...

1.  I have a minor obsession with maps. I've had it as long as I can remember, from spinning the globe in second grade to playing GeoGuessr this morning. Beachball round, or flat and crinkly, there's something about the shapes and boundaries that is a seductive siren call.

2.  The world has changed since I was studying countries and Gross National Products back in 6th grade. I'm going to have to re-memorize Africa. Countries that used to be there, aren't, given way to new names and unfamiliar outlines. And it's not your grandmothers USSR anymore. How about you, do you feel old and obsolete when it comes to the world?

3.  I love Google maps and would marry them if I could. 

4.  Remember, you never have to fold Internet Maps... Long ago and far away, when I was a young Second Lieutenant with a map and a compass, I could fold a map with the best of them, only reveling that which we would traverse in a day. Everything stuffed in the side pockets of my car today is folded backwards and upside down. Which brings me to another point----

5.  I'm developing quite the love for my GPS device also. Insta-maps, what's not to like? My little car icon merrily following a purple path to its final destination. The quasi-British voice that navigates me through downtown Denver with nary a hitch. (Although she gets a 'tone' when I ignore her directions and turn another way).  If only they could get James Earl Jones to do the navigate voice, it would be perfect. Any fans of GPS out there?


Lisa Goyne said...

Oh, how I admire and covet your mapping skills. To be able to unfold only what you will need for the day- Wow!

Lisa Goyne said...

Oh, how I admire and covet your mapping skills. To be able to unfold only the section you will need for the day- Wow!

Constance Brewer said...

Ah yes - Beware the edge of the map!