and "An Open Window" writing prompt.
Cast Away
by Constance Brewer
by Constance Brewer
Wine bottles lined up in military rows.
Each dead soldier prepared for this,
the final mission, a critical sacrifice.
Coiled tight as an old phone cord,
notebook paper stands inside its green
glass prison, ragged edge rolled
face to face with straight blue lines.
No directions to this place, just a handful
of sand and a poem scrawled on each
sun baked page. If this is the end,
the words have their orders. Carry on.
Flung into the salt blue sea, bottles
spin in the current, bob their way
to the horizon, and are gone.

The last march?
very apt in describing the futility and the wasted life.
well, that is my first impression. Am I right?
I really liked the way you used the imagery in this poem.
joezul - the Zen you find in the poem is the Zen you bring there...
Carole - Thanks!
Oh, wow. Just beautiful - how do you manage to evoke hopelessness and hope right at the same moment? :)
this girl - by being indecisive? *g*
"the words have their orders. Carry on."
What a great message. I wasn't sure where you were going at first, but I really liked it.
I was headed out to the horizon but I had to meander a bit to get there. *g* thanks deb.
That is the saddest part. Going on with clockwork precision and so many wasted lives. Does any one care? That was MY thought.
This was simply beautiful...and the photo is stunning!
This Girl Remembers got it right, hope and hopelssness. Great imagery, and movement. Really good; I write and I know good from wannabe.
robert - thanks so much! It's what every writer wants to hear, that they touched someone.
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