13 November 2010

November 2010 Poem A Day Challenge - Day 13

Today's Poetic Asides prompt:
For today's prompt, make the title of your poem a question; then, the poem should go about trying to answer the question. You can be direct in your answer or a little vague. Possible titles might be: "Why is the sky blue?", "Where are my car keys?", or "How am I supposed to go about writing a poem that answers a question that also happens to be the title of the poem anyway?" I mean, any question will do to get you started, then the fun part is poeming an answer.
Questions, questions, I have a thousand questions, except when I'm trying to write a poem based on a question. Then I got nothing. I finally reverted to existential crisis mode and played around with a Who Am I type of question.

Not really happy with either the prompt or the poem that came out of it, so I played around some more, asking questions left and right. My next attempt played with the question, Who Knew? It was a short poem, that isn't doing much for me at the moment. Maybe it will grow into something come editing time.

One haiku not to the prompt, and one tanka having to do with snow...

11/13 TALLY
Poems - 2
Haiku - 1
Tanka - 1

To Date Total
Poems - 21
Haiku - 14
Tanka - 30



Anonymous said...

I'm about ready for a Corgi pic.
This poem a day stuff is too serious.

Constance Brewer said...

It is pretty monotonous, isn't it? But some of us must suffer for our art... others must whine and be rewarded. :)

Anonymous said...

Wyoming in winter is your suffrage.