20 November 2010

November 2010 Poem A Day Challenge - Day 20

Poetic Asides prompt for the day:
For today's prompt, write a "what's wrong or right" poem. As with any of these prompts, there are many ways to come at this one. However, since I'm in a hurry to hit the road, my mind is completely blanking on all of them. So, whether it's right or wrong--wrong or right--I'm just gonna get down to poeming. Have a great unsupervised day!
Another wide open prompt, which is both good and bad. The good is it leaves itself open to a wide variety of possibilities. The bad – a wide variety of possibilities. When faced with so much choice my brain tends to leap from idea to idea, never pausing long enough to develop any poem ideas.

One way to tackle it was to look at "what's wrong/right with ____?" and then filling in the blank and answering the question. Another way to approach the prompt would be to describe the flip sides of something, as "what's right/wrong about ______?"

Of course I did neither of those things, and instead approached the prompt as a success/failure ratio, where all my rights and wrongs get added up with a rather unexpected result.

One haiku and one tanka, neither on the prompt, but both on the weather. Again. 

11/20 TALLY
Poems - 1
Haiku - 1
Tanka - 1

To Date Total
Poems - 29
Haiku - 22
Tanka - 42


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