25 November 2010

November 2010 Poem A Day Challenge - Day 25

Thanksgiving Day from Poetic Asides:
For today's prompt, write an animal poem. Your poem can mention an animal in its title or somewhere in the body of the poem. The animal doesn't have to be the main focus of the poem, but your poem should mention an animal somewhere in it. For instance, my poem from yesterday would've counted, because it mentioned a blue jay. However, I've written a new poem for today (as you should too).
This was actually an easy prompt for me, I write a fair amount of animal poems anyhow. Of course I had to write the usual cat and dogs poem as in cats and dogs, living together.

Then my challenge to myself was to find another animal to write about. I usually do bird poems, and didn't want to wax poetic on the Thanksgiving turkey. Instead I picked a bison.

Living on the plains bison imagery is all around, and some days you can stand out on the prairie and imagine the passage of thousands of buffalo through the grass. I have bison jewelry, bison bones and a bit of bison fur to be spun into yarn. With bison tokens all around me, it seemed the logical choice for a poem.

Animal haiku poems come a bit easily also. The tanka one was a bit harder to bring to heel.

11/25 TALLY
Poems - 2
Haiku - 1
Tanka - 1

To Date Total
Poems - 40
Haiku - 30
Tanka - 50


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