30 September 2011

Fragment Friday

1.       Watching the Red Sox collapse was like watching a train wreck. I couldn’t look away even though I knew the outcome would be ... dire. I was not disappointed.

2.       Sure signs of fall – I’m drinking more coffee, and I’m knitting more wool socks.

3.       How long has it been since you bought new music? (New as in not a repurchase of an artist you had in another format…)

4.       Is it better to wait on hold with other people's muzak or crackly silence?

5.       Email today from my employer titled “Please open your pay envelope”.  Like I need a reminder?



Unknown said...

I vote for crackly silence, accompanied by new wool socks and fresh hot coffee. Ah. Makes even the Sox loss better.

Among your sure signs of fall, do you find yourself writing more? I do. Summer is so distracting because I simply cannot sit in front of the computer for more than five minutes. Of course, along with fall comes the urge to cook everything I have in the house, so I'm probably being over-optimitistic about staying put to do my work.

Constance Brewer said...

Not much makes the Sox loss better, but I've moved on to other teams for the playoffs. :)

I haven't found myself writing more yet, but I suspect when the snow flies it will happen. Mostly haiku at the moment, some tanka. Short thoughts.