24 October 2014

Fragment Friday - Pre-Halloween Edition

Linus: "Each year, the Great Pumpkin rises out of the pumpkin patch that he thinks is the most sincere. He's gotta pick this one. He's got to. I don't see how a pumpkin patch can be more sincere than this one. You can look around and there's not a sign of hypocrisy. Nothing but sincerity as far as the eye can see."

1. Remember one of the burning questions of childhood - What are you going to be for Halloween?  As an adult it's still a question that brings a tingle of anticipation. I can be anything. In the recent past I've dressed up as a Jedi, Professor McGonnagall from Harry Potter, a wizard, and a fortune teller. Are you dressing up? What are you going to be this year?

2. This morning when I left for work the sun wasn't up yet. Something scurried through the dry leaves. Squinting, I was just able to make out a robin. He looked as bereft as I was in the near dawn. Why hasn't he started south yet? Isn't the deadline Halloween? In the twenty-minute drive to work I saw the sun finally crack the horizon in shades of gold and pink. Sunrise and coffee. A good start to the day.

3.  The Corgis love Halloween. Everyone that comes to the door comes to see them. So much excitement! Little people! The perfect size for licking. But - The Corgis don't wear costumes. The woeful looks they give me are more than I can stand. They don't dig dress up. I am Corgi, hear me bark!

4.  So who here buys candy to hand out to trick or treaters? If so, do you buy stuff you like or stuff you don't like? My theory is, if I'm buying chocolate for any reason, it's damn sure going to be something I like. 

5.  The outdoor spiders were kind enough to do my decorating this year. There's a whopping big spider web above left of my front door. I haven't seen the occupant yet, but considering the size of the web, I'm not going to mess with him. Maybe he'll eat the wasps that decided to look for a nest above my door also. As long as he doesn't eat the trick or treaters, I'll be okay...

"Have you come to sing pumpkin carols?"


Kathleen Cassen Mickelson said...

I love Halloween! We're going to a party tonight and I'm dressing up as Sr. Mary Stigmata, aka The Penguin, so I can accompany Jake (Mick) and Elwood (our friend Galin) to a neighborhood Halloween party. (I hope you've seen The Blues Brothers so you know what I'm talking about.) We have a couple of bags of candy stashed in the cupboard for next Friday. We'll pull our fire bowl into the driveway and hang out there to pass out candy. We get a fire and our dogs get less stress while the trick-or-treaters roam the streets.

Lisa Goyne said...

The best and most fun Halloween reading I've done yet this haunted season. I love the Corgis' attitudes towards the trick-or-treaters. Too cute! Although, really? No dress up? They seem like the perfect little size for costumes...

Constance Brewer said...

Kathleen - I think I shall be a pirate this year, complete with sword and eyepatch. And rum.
If we had a fire pit that would be the thing to do. Sounds fun!

Constance Brewer said...

Lisa - My Corgis don't like wearing costumes. An affront to their dignity, although there are lots of Corgis that play dress up out there.