16 November 2010

November 2010 Poem A Day Challenge - Day 16

Tuesday again! Already! Here is the prompt for the day from Poetic Asides:
It's a two-for-Tuesday prompt today. Here are the prompts:
1.    Write a stacking poem. The poem could be about stacking objects. Or it could be about stacking ideas, stacking the deck, stacking the odds against something happening, etc.
2.    Write an unstacking poem. Just the opposite of the first prompt. Unstack objects or tear down the obstacles stacked in your way, etc.

As usual, the Tuesday prompts are opposites. Which is good in a way, because either my poems format themselves neatly along those lines, or they contain both parts of the prompt in one poem.

My mind did the usual run through of the prompt and came up with stacking hay bales (but, alas I have no horses), stacking dominos, stacking bricks and pancake stacks. Unstacking became tossing hay bales off the pile, computer programs, and untangling skeins of yarn. Hey, I never said my thought process was logical.

Somehow I ended up with the image of stacking plates on poles and trying to balance the whole spinning mess and the resulting chaos. There are pieces of what I want to say in the poem, but it isn’t as clear as it could be. I know some time away before revision will help a lot with focus and ‘unstacking’ the meaning hidden within.

Two haiku and three tanka today, loosely related to the prompt.

11/16 TALLY
Poems - 1
Haiku - 2
Tanka - 3

To Date Total

Poems - 24.5
Haiku - 20
Tanka - 36


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