For today's prompt, write a location poem. The poem can be about a location, but it doesn't have to be. It could also just incorporate a location into the poem (like a love poem in Paris or something). This poem could also state your feelings about location in general.
This was an interesting prompt that left open a lot of possibilities. So many that I was stymied for a bit on how to tackle things. I had to let the idea percolate for a few hours because nothing immediately suggested itself as "Poem - Write Me!"
I finally wrote one poem titled, “Any Where But Here” but I wasn't completely satisfied with it. It wasn’t saying what I wanted to say using the imagery I used. It wasn’t enough. Too obtuse.
I approached again, using the same title as a jumping off point. I wanted to tackle the vague idea I had in the first poem – the discontent with where you are when compared to where you want to be. “Any Where But Here” as a title contained a lie, but it is a lie that doesn’t become apparent until the poem has been written.
It’s amazing the things you learn about yourself through poetry.
I managed to find a haiku, it actually came a lot easier than the prompt poem, as did several tanka. So there you have it, Day 3 down for the count.
11/03 TALLY
Poems - 2
Haiku - 1
Tanka - 3
To Date Total
Poems - 4
Haiku - 3
Tanka - 10
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