21 October 2011

Fragment Friday

1.    Prayer for the day, week, month - Lord, keep me from indulging my urge to start yet another art or craft...

2.    It's funny how the dogs want to be right where I am, underfoot, even when I'm doing nothing. Then I feel guilty if I get up to get something and wake them.

3.    Reading lots of fiction for a change. Usually my choice runs to non-fiction. Change of seasons?

4.    The leaves on the trees stubbornly refuse to fall. (much). I think we will get a big wind one day and they will all go at once. Even though most are still greenish.

5.     I could free up a whole lot of brainpower if I decided what was for dinner a week in advance, instead of mere hours. But then what fun would that be?



Unknown said...

Maybe lots of fiction signals a need to find a new reality for a minute.

Constance Brewer said...

Or at least a different reality? Yeah, I can see that.

Anonymous said...

Good microbrew will alter your reality.....

Constance Brewer said...

Good microbrew is its own reality...

Anonymous said...

And "swill" (aka Bud) is like a bad reality (show)