30 December 2011

Fragment Friday - Pre New Year's Edition

1.       I don’t make New Year’s ‘resolutions’ but I do think about things I’d like to accomplish during the upcoming year. How about you? Resolutions or wing it?

2.       I would like to get more proactive with my poetry and submit more. Of course submitting is a whole ‘nother job and set of skills. How do you track your poetry? I’ve been using a program called Sonar that is nifty. I am toying with creating an Excel spreadsheet, but frankly, I can do almost everything in Sonar that needs to be done.

3.       Do you set writing goals for the year? Mine are very loose, as in ‘create a new story, poem, work on the novel every month. Of course in April and November I do the poem a day thing. Trying to figure out how to expand the concept to writing a poem every day. I did do a haiku a day for a month, which was difficult. Maybe pick a theme for a month and write to that theme?

4.       I happened to open a paper copy of a thesaurus the other day, and was reminded again how much fun serendipitous word finds are . . . .

5.       I think it’s time I upgraded my Word program to its latest version. I’m still running on 2003. I tried Open Office but wasn’t really happy with it and the space it took up.



Gabriele Campbell said...

I wing it. :)

Happy New Year to you. And the corgies and brothers. ;)

Constance Brewer said...

Here's to winging it. :)

Happy New Year to you!

Unknown said...

I wing it, too! Goals for the year are loose for me as well....but it includes working my way through The Artist's Way again (third time through) and seeing what I can spark. And revamping my blog. Oh, and staying sane. That pretty much sums up New Year's thoughts on a personal level.

Happy New Year, Constance.

Constance Brewer said...

Yeah for wingers! :) I do have goals but I'm not going to beat myself up if I don't make them. Can't wait to see what form One Minnesota Writer takes this year. Happy New Year Kathleen!