16 March 2012

Fragment Friday - With Corgis!

1.    Only in Wyoming are 30mph winds described as "breezy".
2.    I'm in a knitting slump - can't seem to make any progress on the socks I'm knitting. So I went out and bought more yarn, because yeah, that'll help...
3.    I've decided I need to know how to play guitar - at least a little bit. I know two chords. That's halfway to a song, right?
4.    I wonder how corned beef and cabbage became the default St. Patrick's Day meal? Is it because most Americans don't like lamb?
5.    The dogs are at the groomers. So is one cat. It makes for an awfully quiet house. Of course Anubis is reveling in my undivided attention.

This is MY ball, get your own.

I'm telling you, Bro, I feel like a dweeb in these scarves...

Maybe she won't notice me sticking my tongue out at her...

I make this plaid neckerchief look GOOD.

And - tongues UP!

Hi, I'm Merlin. You may remember me from such films as "The Little Corgi That Could" and "Get That Bouncy Ball".


Anonymous said...

I am disappointed!

Expected to see fur dyed green corgis for St Patrick's day.

Please advise groomer for next year.

Constance Brewer said...


No dye for those beautiful coats. Maybe a green plaid neckerchief for next year!

Unknown said...

All these corgi photos make me happy!
I'm making corned beef and cabbage on Wednesday since we were on the road on St. Patrick's Day, but damned if I know how it became THE meal for 3/17.

Constance Brewer said...

Corgi photos for everyone!

Anonymous said...

How about a green cat photo?

Carla said...

Cute :-) I didn't know corned beef and cabbage was the traditional St Patrick's Day fare.

Constance Brewer said...

Carla - It seems traditional here in the US...

Constance Brewer said...

Anon - Fresh out of Anubis Dye...