Poetic Asides Poem A Day Challenge for April - Day 7's prompt was to write a poem about people interacting without speaking. That was easy for me, I grew up that way, watching for those non-verbal cues to interactions. This one was about watching John Wayne movies with my father. Day 8 was to write a rejected poem. Again I delved into childhood and wrote about bringing home that report card - you know the one, all As except for that nagging B in math. Day 9's prompt was to write a shady poem. Yes my mind went to trees, but to a certain tree, the one I used to climb up into and read books under the shade of it's leafy branches.
Day 10 - This was a Two for Tuesday prompt, write a forest or a tree poem. Since I had just written a tree poem (sorta) the day before, I opted for a forest poem and wrote about hiking in the forest and the sights and sounds. Day 11's prompt was to pick a season (any season) and make it the title of your poem. I chose to write about "The Gloaming Season". Day 12's prompt was to take the phrase “Something (blank),” replace the blank with a word or phrase, make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write the poem. I chose "Something Heavenly" and wrote about the night sky. Since Day 13's prompt is "Unlucky", I wrote about an unlucky day that was really a lucky day in disguise. Then I started another poem about having a black cat. Unlucky? Well, not necessarily.
Day 14's prompt was to write a doomsday poem. This prompt didn't yank my poetry chain. I struggled to find any inspiration and finally got something down. If I thought that was bad, Day 15's prompt left me colt. - use the following five words in your poem: slash, button, mask, strap, and balloon. Use them in any order. I wrote something. That's all I'm going to say about that. Day 16. Write a mixed up poem. That I could do. Which brings us to Day 17, a Two for Tuesday prompt. The prompts were 1. Write a science fiction poem. 2. Write a fantasy poem. Right up my alley. I wrote a sci fi poem about the last people on the planet, then wrote a fantasy poem about dragons. Which brings us up to date.
How is your Poem A Day writing going?
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