10 August 2012

Fragment Friday

1.  Finding it hard to turn my brain from novel writing to writing other stuff. I have four short stories and a bunch of poems clamoring for my attention and I can't seem to switch gears. On the bright side, I'm working on another novel.
2.  Have you been watching the Olympics? I couldn't help but wonder how they feed all those athletes. I read somewhere that the Olympic Village cafeteria serves 5000 at a time. Puts my 10 minute wait for fast food here into perspective.
3.  The plot to visit my Anonymous brother has progressed. Of course a foodie tour is part of it. Looking forward to some hometown food. What's your hometown famous for or specialize in, food wise?
4.  Checked to see if there was a yarn store in the town I'm going to visit. Sure enough, there is. Luckily they list their yarns online, and even more luckily for my wallet there is nothing that tempts me. Looking for some local wool to add to my collection. Some people get souvenir shot glasses in their travels, I collect yarn and wool...
5.  You know your children have truely moved out when they only come back to pillage unwanted furniture from your house. 


Unknown said...

There's always too much clamoring for attention, methinks. Sigh. As for #3....we might be known for Spam. And Tater Tot Hotdish. That elicits another *sigh*.

Constance Brewer said...

Too many ideas, not enough time to write them.

Spam? Oh my...