03 February 2012

Fragment Friday

1.       There is a nice skiff of snow covering the landscape this morning. It hides the rather beat-up brown of an ordinary February day.

2.       I’ve drunk an entire 100g can’s worth of Estate Darjeeling over the past month. Inconveniently, the place we bought the tea is 101 miles away from my house. Luckily Stash on-line is a good backup for not driving 101 miles for tea.

3.       It’s funny how my mind has different settings for writing. ‘Editing’ mode is vastly different than ‘just write’ mode.

4.       Scrolling through recipes looking for the perfect one, you know, the one that satisfies your craving for homemade without being too sweet or too complicated. Haven’t found the right recipe yet . . . .

5.       I thought when it got lighter out earlier in the morning; there would be birds at the birdfeeder when I left for work. Not yet, though. I wonder what kind of sunrise timetable they stick to? No birdseed before the sun physically rises, even though it’s light out?



Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Wow, technical difficulties for me this morning. Well, typing difficulties. Geez.
#3 - YES.
#1 - We had the most amazing frost this morning! I shot all my photo prompts for Tuesday and then some.
#2 - Try this: http://www.harney.com/

Gabriele Campbell said...

Heh, I go through boxes of Darjeeling at that speed, too.

Constance Brewer said...

Kathleen - I'm in writing brain at the moment, editing brain has fled. :)
Thanks for the tea link. Always looking for more tea to order.

Constance Brewer said...

Gabriele - Darjeeling is my favorite. I have some good Russian teas also.