01 November 2013

Fragment Friday - Post Halloween Edition

Oklahoma Sooners Girl

Wizard of Oz Girl (with Toto-Merlin)

Motocross Boy

1. I've decided to do something stupid for November. I'm going to do the Poem A Day Challenge, AND tackle NanoWriMo. Yes, I'm possessed. I have a detailed chapter by chapter outline for a new novel for at least 20 chapters. I thought why not attempt to flesh it out at 1667 words a day and see what happens? Banzai!

2.  How much candy did you have left over from Halloween? We were down to a few packs of Whoppers when the kids stopped coming. Good thing I like Whoppers. 

3.  How many languages do you speak? Is there a language you wish you spoke/read? Is it possible to teach an old dog a new language?

4.  The thrummed mitts are almost complete. I'm trying to decide what to knit next. More mittens, socks, hats or fingerless gloves? A scarf or cowl? Maybe I'll just spin and stockpile yarn through the winter. Everyone does that, right?

5. The Corgis really enjoyed Halloween. They thought all those kids were coming to see them! They kept watch and let us know by a sudden cavalcade of barking that little humans were coming up the driveway.


Unknown said...

Those are cute kids!! Now, about your writing possession/obsession....keep the coffee brewed and the chocolate stocked. I'm doing the 24-hour Fiction4ADay event today (made it until 3 a.m. working on an idea) and I'm not completely convinced I'm much of a short story writer. And there was a time when I would have been able to say that in French, but have forgotten most of what I learned in that language now! I think it's totally possible to teach an old dog new a new language.

Constance Brewer said...

I've never heard of the Fiction4ADay event. That actually sounds doable - but alas, I write very few short stories.
I know some Italian, some Spanish, I can kind of read some German. Just enough of all to feel incompetent. :) I'm off to write my Poem a Day and hammer out some NaNo words. Good luck to you!

Anonymous said...

Rug rats and Corgis......

That would be enough to scare me on Halloween!

Constance Brewer said...

And the Corgis weren't even wearing costumes! Yeah, the rug rats are pretty scary...

Carla said...

Good luck with NaNo and the Poem a Day Challenge!

Constance Brewer said...

Carla- Thanks!