13 December 2013

Fragment Friday - In Pictures

Duck Dog, Corgi Style

Sprung from doggy jail.

My new Schacht 25" loom, unwarped at this point.

Yarn that will be woven into scarves and such. Some silk blends. See anything you like?

I do not approve of Merlin's early release.


Anonymous said...

The loom is unwarped.
The operator,not so much...

Nonne Meus said...

You have it made, Ms. C, who could want for anything more? A wonderful furry family and beautiful YARN!!!!!!!! (That loom is something to envy as well...) Enjoy your weekend!

Kathleen Cassen Mickelson said...

Love these shots! Glad your loom got there at last; the yarns all are beautiful. You have a lot of fun with all that this winter. Enjoy.

Constance Brewer said...

The operator is babysitting this weekend, so warped is justified...

Constance Brewer said...

My furry boys are awesome. And photogenic. Yarn - I knew you would understand!

Constance Brewer said...

Kathleen - I plan on making stuff. Because one fiber hobby isn't enough. Three might be...