13 April 2012

Fragment Friday

1.       I don’t know why I find whistling more annoying than fingernails on a chalkboard, but I do.

2.       I’ve always liked birds, but I’m thinking about The Birds (movie) as redwing blackbirds have taken to following me around every time I’m outside the house. Good thing I love their creaky gate song.

3.       How come the answer in government to any problem is to generate more paper about it?

4.       The lilacs in the yard are thinking about blooming. Every plant is loaded with green buds. Some will be purple, some light purple, some will be white. All will smell wonderful.

5.       How many years out of school and I still eat peanut butter and jelly for lunch…



Unknown said...

Peanut butter with
jelly at lunch may not be
elegant but yum

Okay, worst example of 5-7-5 rigid haiku form ever - no twist, no nature. Just lunch. Couldn't resist. Kind of like the worst first line contest. Does that get me brownie points?

Constance Brewer said...

Yes, you get brownie points! :) Next - onward to tanka!